Democratizing Baby Feeding and Breastfeeding with SimpliFed founder, Andrea Ippolito

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Episode Summary

Did you know that your insurance has to cover baby feeding support? It doesn’t matter if you decide to breastfeed, formula feed, exclusively pump, or do a mix – under the Affordable Care Act, your health insurance is required to cover the cost of support. This was news to me! So I am thrilled to spread the word by having Andrea Ippolito, founder of SimpliFed on the show today. 

SimpliFed democratizes access to baby feeding and breastfeeding services, through a virtual model, 100% covered by insurance. In our conversation you’ll hear Andrea’s story of how she started this business alongside the birth of her first child, how she’s taken the business full time, and all of the options that are available to you. Be sure to share this episode with all of the soon-to-be and new moms in your life!

Topics Discussed:

  • How SimpliFed was born out of Andrea’s own early motherhood experience and struggles with breastfeeding 

  • What getting support through SimpliFed looks like and why Andrea chose a telehealth platform 

  • Why it’s important to set realistic expectations for baby feeding, no matter the method that you choose 

  • How Andrea moved from the idea phase of SimpliFed into full blown entrepreneurship and how she’s sustained that through her teaching career and growing family 

  • How SimpliFed is supporting women who are a part of the workforce from the individual side AND from the workplace 

  • The need for more equitable support for not only new moms, but new dads, too

  • What’s coming up next for Andrea through her next transition period and how she’s supporting herself through this time

About Andrea:

While navigating the numerous demands of early motherhood, Andrea Ippolito specifically recognized the systemic challenges in feeding her daughter. It was through this complex journey of navigating a fractured and highly stigmatized system, that a clear opportunity was realized and she founded SimpliFed in 2019. The very real need to democratize access to baby feeding and breastfeeding services, through a virtual model, covered by insurance was clearly missing.

Andrea’s objective is to provide a comprehensive and modern touch to meeting parents where they are with baby feeding across the growing spectrum of available options. To succeed in her mission, she leads with her in-depth knowledge of health care systems.

Connect with Andrea + SimpliFed:


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