[Solo Ep] Transparency & My Goals for Season 2

Project: Mom Ep 28 - Transparency & My Goals for Season 2

Episode Description

This is a bittersweet episode for me – the last of Season 1. 

Today I want to talk about something that’s very loud for me. It’s been at the forefront of a lot of the decisions I’m making – or, to be honest, putting off making. How do you navigate building something that doesn’t make any money?

I’ve asked my guests what advice they have for someone who’s IN IT right now – or who aspires to create something for themselves. What I’ve heard: Patience is key. Trust the timeline. Have an abundance mindset. 

Which makes sense, but when you’re in the thick of it, it feels really hard. Sometimes even impossible. I share this because the goal of this podcast right now is to create a community, to let other mothers know they’re not alone. 

The weight of motherhood & entrepreneurship

I created this podcast as something therapeutic for myself – to share my story, but also to hear and share stories of other women navigating this season of life.

Starting this community hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies. I’m working really hard, constantly evaluating: where should I be focusing my energy? Where can I rest? What can I come back to later?

There are times when I feel like I’m sinking with the weight of everything I have to do: to be a present and attentive mom; to find a nanny; to be a good wife; to be a good homemaker; to be present for myself; to build a community of moms for all of you listening. 

It gives me a lot of excitement, but also some dread and fear – how am I going to accomplish all of these things? I’ve been told I need to spend money to create my support system (for childcare, meal prep, house cleaning, house management) – but don’t you need to HAVE money to spend money?

Time to think

After this episode I’m choosing to pause to allow myself more time to focus creatively on growth, on booking myself on different podcasts, on growing my audience, and getting the messaging out to new ears.

My next goal is to make this project profitable. Maybe it’s via subscriptions. Maybe it’s through a Patreon. I enjoy making an impact in somebody else’s world, to let them feel a little less alone – but to live in this world, money is a necessary evil we need to support ourselves. 

Because at some point there needs to be a runway to make money – right? Or am I off-base here? Could this just be a hobby? And if it is, would I be okay with that?

What are your ideas for making this podcast more sustainable financially? Let me know what you think and reach out on Instagram or via email!

Looking ahead

Over the next few months, we’ll be highlighting the amazing content and guests from season one. Season 2 is on track to begin March 2023!

If you’re interested in telling your story – or if you know someone whose journey would be a great fit for the show – please reach out by contacting me at projectmompod@gmail.com or filling out my online form. I’m booking interviews now for recording in February or March.

Until then, I encourage you to listen to some of your favorite episodes or catch up on the ones you missed. I've created an episode guide that highlights the themes in each episode. 

I hope you’ll join me on Instagram and sign up for our email list to get released updates and exclusive content as I work to bring you the next season. 

Thank you so much for being here. See you soon in Season 2!

Notable Quote from Emily

“We have a lot going on over this holiday season. I wanted that time to be spent focusing on my family versus having to crank out content. I'm sharing this because the goal of this podcast is to create a community among us, knowing that we are not alone as mothers or as aspiring and active entrepreneurs. I am fully in it right now. And I am building alongside you.” 

“I've asked my guests over this season about what advice they have for someone who's in it right now, or who aspires to create something for themselves. And we've heard a lot of things. Patience is key. Trust the timeline. Find ways to carve out time for yourself. Have an abundance mindset. And it all makes sense in simplicity. But in actuality, when you're in the thick of it, for me, it feels really hard. Sometimes even impossible, when you can't get the consistent time to focus on your creations.” 

Resources & Links

Learn more about Project: Mom and follow us on Instagram at @projectmompodcast.

Do you want to share your motherhood journey on the podcast? Email me at projectmompod@gmail.com.


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